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Who Invented the Computer?

Who Invented the Computer?

Who Invented the Computer? – Computers have a long history and journey to become as modern as they are now.

In the past, computers were not as compact and sophisticated as they are now. It all started with a simple tool that continues to be developed over time.

Who invented the computer ?

One figure who is considered to have played an important role in the invention of computers was the English mathematician Charles Babbage .

Quoted from Howstuffworks , Charles Babbage is someone who is considered to be the inventor of the first computer.

This is because he was the first to design a device that resembled a modern computer machine.

Babbage was a mathematician from England who first designed the machine from 1833 to 1871.

Babage thought of creating his first computer after seeing a manuscript containing a table page by page.

He wondered if there was a way to produce tables more quickly with less effort and error.

Babbage also created a steam-powered calculating machine that could calculate tables of numbers called “Difference Engine 0”.

This machine is predicted to be the first computer in the world. although the shape is very different from most modern computers.

The working principle of this machine is the same as a modern computer, namely it is capable of calculating numbers, aka computing.

The forerunner of Babbage’s first computer

Babbage created the device using government funds in 1824 and spent 18 years perfecting his idea.

In the development of his research, Babbage then found a new idea to create an “Analytical Engine”.

This computer will be able to make more complex calculations including multiplication and division.

The basic parts of the Analytical Engine inspired the computer components that exist today.

If modern computers know the terms CPU and memory, then at that time Babbage called the CPU a “factory” and memory a “store”.

At that time, babage machines also had a device called a “reader” which functioned to enter instructions.

Apart from that, there was also a way to record results on machine-produced paper which inspired the emergence of printers.

However, some of Babbage’s ideas were realized only as notes and sketches on almost 5,000 pages of paper.

Babbage’s ideas regarding the creation of computers were inspired by Jacquard loom technology.

The weaving machine was developed in 1804-1805 which allows fabric patterns to be formed automatically.

Unfortunately, at that time Babbage’s ambitious design was not realized because the supporting technology was not yet developed.

In 1991, Babbage’s ideas were translated into a computer that turned out to be functional.

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