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Learn to Make Simple Electrical Circuits

Learn to Make Simple Electrical Circuits

Electricity is a form of energy used by humans in everyday life. Almost all of our daily activities use electrical equipment. Electricity can flow due to the formation of electric current from electrical components. Electricity will flow through a closed circuit.

The electricity we use every day can be used because it is made in the form of an electrical circuit. When students first enter the electricity material, they have a little difficulty understanding the material because there are many electrical terms that students have only heard of, and students also have to imagine what electrical phenomena are like.

Therefore, as a science teacher, I am carrying out this class project , with the hope that it can provide direct experience to students about electrical phenomena through practicing electrical circuits. Through this class project , students can also learn to recognize the shape of electrical circuits and gain direct experience in making simple electrical circuits.

In this class project activity the teacher acts as a facilitator who prepares the tools and materials needed for practice and helps direct the students. I started the activity by dividing the students into five groups, each group consisting of five students.

After dividing into groups, students are invited to sit with their group friends. Next, before starting the class project , I introduced the tools in the form of components that make up simple electrical circuits to students. I also explain the function of each component.

After that, I distributed LKPD and practice equipment to students and gave students time to read the contents of the LKPD as a guide to their practice. In this class project , students play an active role together with their group friends in making an electrical circuit in the form of a simple electric bell.

After all students understand the LKPD, students immediately start making a simple electric bell circuit. Students work together to do it, it can be seen that in each group there are students whose role is to read out the steps for the activity and there are also those who work together to prepare the tools needed.

They worked on it enthusiastically, while occasionally calling me if there was something they didn’t understand about the steps. The class atmosphere looked calm at the start, but it started to become noisy when several students had difficulty cutting the end of the cable. I rushed to demonstrate how. The women’s group looked calmer as they painstakingly followed the steps in the LKPD. In contrast to the male students who seemed impatient for the bell to ring quickly.

They were seen asking several times, “Ma’am, why doesn’t this sound? how do I connect it?”. I also saw that the circuit they had made was still wrong and there were cables that were not connected properly. I also helped them while explaining, if a cable is not connected properly then the circuit is open so electricity will not flow.

One of the students asked, “Does that mean if the light doesn’t turn on, it could be because the cable is broken, ma’am?” That’s right,” I answered. While making a simple electric bell circuit, students can understand the electrical phenomena that occur.

When one group was ready to make a simple electric bell circuit, all the students were excited when they heard the bell ring and the lights turn on. Groups that were not ready began to speed up their work. Once all groups are ready to make a simple electric bell.

I also asked one of the groups to bring the bell to the front of the class. Then I asked all students to observe some of the treatments I gave. First I turned off the switch, then the buzzer sound and the light went off. Second, I unplugged the lamp from the lamp holder, then the lamp went off but the bell still rang. I also explained why this could happen. To see whether students understand electrical phenomena, I give them a simple quiz related to the practice they have done.

Before ending this meeting, I asked students about their feelings about this class project . Thank God, all students answered that they were happy and liked doing practices like this. One student even said he would try making it again at home. I also learned that through practice will provide direct experience to students and material that was initially difficult for students becomes easy after being explained through practice.

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