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The story of Stanley Meyer, the inventor of water fuel whose death was truly tragic

The story of Stanley Meyer, the inventor of water fuel whose death was truly tragic

The story of Stanley Meyer, the inventor of water fuel whose death was truly tragic – Surabaya – Recently, Aryanto Misel’s creation of Nikuba has been widely discussed because this device is claimed to be able to convert water into hydrogen so that it can be used as fuel for motorized vehicles.

What’s exciting is that Nikuba has received attention from an automotive manufacturer in Europe. In its official statement, the Indonesian Army said that Nikuba had the opportunity to be presented to a number of Italian automotive manufacturers, on June 18 in Milan, Italy.

In fact, long before Aryanto’s discovery, there was also an inventor who succeeded in turning water into fuel, his name was Stanley Meyer. Unfortunately, the end of his life story ended tragically.

Are you curious, what is Stanley Meyer’s story about creating fuel from water? Check it out in this article.

The Story of Stanley Meyer, Inventor of Hydrogen Fuel from Water

Stanley Meyer is a mechanical engineer from the United States who developed a cutting-edge technology called “Water Fuel Cell”. Reported by the Carthrottle website, Meyer has been designing this tool since 1975.

Then, in 1990 Meyer succeeded in patenting his invention in the US with US Patent number 4,936,961. The patent is entitled Method for the Production of a Fuel Gas (26/6/1990) or popularly known as Water Fuel Cell.

According to Meyer, his findings are able to break down water (H2O) into hydrogen (H2) and oxygen (O2). Meyer describes his findings in detail, complete with drawings, as is the requirement for obtaining a patent.

Apart from that, he also showed the public through the It Runs on Water video about a car that successfully runs on water as fuel. At that time, he used a car with a Volkswagen (VW) Buggy engine with a capacity of 1.6 liters, and as a result he was able to drive smoothly.

Meyer explains that he replaced the car’s spark plugs with injection ones to spray steam into the cylinders. Then, the water vapor is then split into hydrogen and oxygen, and then enters the combustion chamber like a conventional motor.

Stanley Meyer’s Invention Branded Hoax

To convince the wider public, Meyer’s findings were then demonstrated on Action 6 News television. He claims that for a trip from Los Angeles to New York (from the West Coast to the East Coast), it only requires 83 liters of water.

But unfortunately, when he was about to be tested by expert witness Prof. Michael Laughton from Queen Mary, University of London, Meyer avoided it with made-up reasons. Until finally in court, the testimony of 3 experts assessed that Meyer’s discovery was not revolutionary at all.

Then, Meyer’s Water Fuel Cell creation, which had been officially patented in the United States, was finally officially declared a fraud by the Ohio Court in 1996.

Meyer’s Life Story That Ended Tragically

Two years later, on March 21 1998, Meyer was found dead in a tragic way. It all started when Meyer and his twin brother, Stephen Meyer, met two investors from Belgium at a restaurant in Ohio, USA.

Quoting the Roarington website, after finishing the main meal, a waiter served a glass of cranberry juice to one of them. Stanley Meyer then drank the juice, when he took the first sip he suddenly grabbed his neck, ran outside, knelt down, and vomited.

Stephen Meyer, who was also at the scene, then approached his brother who was in the parking lot, grimacing in pain. In the midst of his critical condition, Stanley Meyer said “they poisoned me” before finally dying.

The results of an autopsy by Dr William R. Adrion concluded that Stanley Meyer died from a cerebral aneurysm due to high blood pressure. Steve Robinette, the detective investigating this case, also collected testimony from everyone involved at the time.

After just three months, Robinette finally closed the case. He concluded that the cause of Stanley Meyer’s death was due to “natural death”, so not poisoning.

Many people think that Meyer died because he was murdered. Because, this discovery can greatly open the way for renewable energy, especially in the automotive industry.

However, there are also those who speculate that the two investors felt cheated because Meyer’s findings were labeled as lies. Therefore, they had planned something to get Meyer killed.

“I told them that Stan (Meyer) was dead and they never said a word,” Stephen Meyer recalled.

“Absolutely not, no words of condolence, no questions to us. I never have the trust of those two people again,” he said.

Until now, the motive behind Stanley Meyer’s murder has never been revealed, everything seems to have been kept quiet.

Well, that’s the story of the inventor of water fuel named Stanley Meyer whose life ended tragically. Hopefully this article can increase detikers’ knowledge!

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