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STORY: Meet Igor Sikorsky, the Helicopter Inventor who Loves Natural Science

STORY: Meet Igor Sikorsky, the Helicopter Inventor who Loves Natural Science

JAKARTA – Helicopters are a form of transportation that is often used by people for various needs. Apart from carrying someone to their destination, helicopters also have uses in various rescue missions.

The appearance of the helicopter itself was the idea of ​​Igor Sikorsky. The man who is called the ‘Father of the Helicopter’ succeeded in creating the helicopter that we know today. By 1910, Sikorsky was the only designer working on the largest helicopter flight. Even in 1912, Sikorsky managed to occupy the position of Chief Engineer at the Russian Baltic Railroad Car company in Saint Patersburgh.

Until finally, Sikorsky founded the Sikorsky Manufacturing Company in Roosevelt, New York. Then, he also received additional funds from Sergei Rachmaninoff which were used to build the S-29, which was the first twin-engine aircraft.

The performance of the aircraft he made turned out to be slower compared to military aircraft that existed in 1918. This was what made investors no longer want to fund Sikorsky. In 1929, Skikorsky Manufacturing Company became United Aircraft Corporation. Skirosky also tried to develop Pan America Airways.

Sikorsky received cooperation from the Rotor aircraft company to create a unique and unprecedented helicopter. The company asked Sikorsky to create a helicopter that could have a boat hull, could take off, land on water, and even float on water.

Sikorsky’s interest in the world of helicopters began when his father invited him to Germany and had many conversations with his father. Sikorsky eventually became interested in natural sciences and upon returning home, he began experimenting with flying model engines. Even at the age of 12, Sikorsky made a small rubber band powered by a helicopter. Until finally in 1903, when he was 14 years old, Sikorsky began studying at the Naval Academy, Saint Peterburg, Russia. (afr)

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