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Inventor of the First Car in the World and Its History

Inventor of the First Car in the World and Its History

Inventor of the First Car in the World and Its History – Whoinventorthe first car in the world? Even though there are more and more car users, not everyone knows about the inventor of these vehicles. Even though cars are experiencing very rapid development from time to time.

Without the invention of the first car, humans would not have been able to drive as comfortably as they do now. Understanding the history of the invention of the car is very important to increase society’s general knowledge.

History of the Inventor of the First Car in the World

Quoting the book Encyclopedia of the Inventor, Delik Iskandar (2020: 5), inventorcarThe first in the world was Nicolas J Cugnot in 1769. The French scientist created a large 3-wheeled vehicle to transport cannons and help in the process of warfare.

This started from military needs, so this vehicle was also created by other scientists. The idea that Nicolas created is quite interesting, although there are still many shortcomings in its realization.

Nicolas’ inspiration for creating a car came from a horse-drawn carriage which had tires. Scientists who knew about this idea finally helped develop it. One of them is James Watt. In 1784, this scientist created a car that still used steam power.

Furthermore, steam-powered cars began to experience innovation in the mid-19th century. Then in 1860, Joseph E. Lenoir created a vehicle using mixed fuel, namely coal, gas and air.

Gasoline Cars in the Contemporary Era

The heyday of steam-powered cars ended when Karl Benz created a gasoline-powered car in 1886. The inspiration came from his experience of often riding a bicycle when traveling.

As the inventor of the first gasoline-powered car, Karl also experienced failure repeatedly. Until 1879, Karl succeeded in completing his discovery and patenting it.
This was developed by George B Selden, who succeeded in creating a two-stroke engine car in 1895. However, the most popular cars on the market are still petrol-powered ones.

In January 1907, Ferdinand Porsche created the Lohner Porsche Mixte Hybrid. This car was produced on a larger scale at an affordable price by Oldsmobile. In 1910, Henry Ford succeeded in developing various cars from Europe.

So, it can be concluded that the inventor of the first car inworldis Nicolas J Cugnot. However, the scientist who succeeded in developing an engine-powered car and patenting it was Karl Benz. (DLA)

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