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How to Make Delicious Espresso Coffee

How to Make Delicious Espresso Coffee

how to make delicious espresso coffee – Coffee is one of the most delicious drinks in the world and many people love it. Even for some people, before they move, if they don’t sip coffee, it feels like something is missing. Well, espresso is a brewing process or method that uses high water pressure. The resulting cup of strong coffee has a layer of foam on top (crema).

Espresso coffee is the basis for making all kinds of coffee-flavored drinks. Starting from latte, cappuccino, americano to coffee with milk. Usually, the way to make espresso coffee is using a coffee machine like in cafes, although it’s possible that you can also make it yourself at home as long as you know how.

How to Make Delicious Espresso Coffee?

If you want to make it practical, of course you can use a machine to make delicious espresso coffee, but if you’re on a tight budget, you can also make this coffee manually without reducing the taste. Come on, let’s take a look at how to make it!

1. Aeropress

Aeropress is a coffee brewing tool ( manual brew ) which consists of two parts, namely a coffee tank and a handle that functions as a press. Cylindrical in shape and equipped with a filter at the base. The steps are as follows:

  • You can put a filter on the lid at the bottom of the aeropress to filter the coffee. Then put the aeropress on top of the glass (to hold the coffee), wet the filter with a little hot water (to remove the taste of the filter paper).
  • Add 2 tablespoons of fine coffee powder with the type of coffee according to taste. You can choose Arabica coffee if you want a varied taste or Robusta coffee if you want a strong cup of coffee .
  • Pour hot water with a temperature of approximately 85-96 degrees Celsius. Stir and let sit for about 20 seconds.
  • Press the plunger until the coffee drips into the glass and a delicious cup of espresso coffee is ready to be sipped

2. Moka Pot

Actually, the important thing to pay attention to when making espresso coffee is to use fresh, high quality coffee grounds. So, apart from using an aeropress, another method is a moka pot. The process does take longer because it has to be heated on the stove first, but the resulting delicious taste will not disappoint you.

Moka pots are available in various sizes and can be adjusted to the amount of coffee you want to make. There are 1 cup sizes, aka for 1 cup of coffee, 3 cups and 5 cups. The amount of coffee added is adjusted to how many cups of coffee you are going to make. How to make espresso coffee with a moka pot is as follows:

Fill the bottom of the moka pot with water to the line. It is better to use hot water so that when heated on the stove it doesn’t last long.

Carefully pay attention to the water dosage, make sure it doesn’t exceed the existing limit. If you get the measurement wrong, the resulting pressure will be too great. As a result, it can make the moka pot explode, you know. So be more careful, okay?

Put the coffee grounds into a filter-shaped container. Blend the coffee and don’t need to press it until it’s solid. If you press it, it will make it difficult for the water to pass through the filter.

Set the stove to low heat and heat the moka pot. Wait until the coffee starts to be extracted or appears to rise (sounds like boiling water). Immediately remove the moka pot from the stove so the coffee doesn’t burn.

Prepare a wet cloth or container filled with water. Then put the moka pot in a container or on a cloth to remove the heat so the coffee cooking process stops.

You can enjoy a cup of delicious espresso coffee.

For coffee lovers, you definitely know that this method of making delicious espresso coffee with a moka pot can produce a strong taste. It is very suitable as a base for making milk-based coffee, for example cappuccinos and lattes. If you like cappuccino, the ratio is one third espresso, then one third milk and one third foam .

3. French Press

French press is the next choice for making delicious espresso coffee. Comes in various sizes with varying prices too. If you choose a large size, the price will of course be higher. This manual coffee brewing tool is in the form of a container with a plastic or metal lid inside, then there is also a plunger which functions to filter the dregs.

The brewing method is easy and efficient because you only need the best coffee grounds and hot water. How to make coffee with a French press is as follows:

First, put 2 tablespoons of ground coffee (a portion of 1 cup of coffee) of the best quality into the French press container. Use a slightly coarse coffee texture because if the texture is fine it will even be mixed into the water.

Second, pour hot water (temperature 85-96 degrees Celsius) so that the coffee can be extracted properly . If you don’t have a thermometer, you can boil water then let it sit for approximately 20-25 seconds.

Third, to get a richer taste of espresso coffee, after pouring the water, let it sit for a few moments or around 30 seconds. This method makes the coffee aroma and oil come out perfectly.

Fourth, stir the coffee then let it sit for four minutes then you can start pressing the plunger slowly to filter. If when you press the plunger it feels a bit heavy, you can pull it up first. Then press again to the bottom
Once brewed, to prevent a bitter taste from appearing, pour the coffee directly into the cup and the delicious espresso coffee is ready to be enjoyed.

4. Use a Coffee Machine

Even though the price of a coffee machine or coffee maker is high, it is often chosen if you want to make espresso coffee in a simpler and more practical way. The method is as follows:

Clean the coffee machine

Pour quality coffee grounds into the filter

Install the filter

Pour water and start the machine

A cup of coffee using the espresso method for coffee lovers is incomparably delicious. For those who want to try making it yourself at home, you can buy the best coffee beans and espresso coffee machines from various brands at the trusted online shop Blibli. The price varies depending on the brand chosen so you can adjust it to your budget.

You don’t need to worry, prices can be cheaper because Blibli offers lots of discounts and special promos. Product quality is also guaranteed because Blibli only sells quality products that are 100% original. The payment method is not complicated because there are many choices, one of which is using a credit card. So make sure to get espresso coffee only at Blibli!


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