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Get to know more about the inventor of Facebook from its early history

Get to know more about the inventor of Facebook from its early history

Get to know more about the inventor of Facebook from its early history – The inventor of Facebook has contributed greatly to the various developments in social media that now exist. Facebook is a popular social media that is very booming and is still used today. With various features that can be used to interact with many people, Facebook has loyal fans who use the application.

Before Facebook, interacting long distance was considered very expensive because you had to use credit to make calls or send SMS. The drawback is very pronounced because we can only contact people whose numbers we know. However, with Facebook, we can find school friends who have been separated for decades or even long distances.

The inventor of Facebook has also been very instrumental in several human lives, because there are several people who carry out buying and selling transactions through this application which makes this application a place to survive. With the various benefits provided, I’m curious about how the history of Facebook was formed and who the figures who played an important role behind it were. Listen!

Mark Zuckerberg, Founder of Facebook

Together with his five friends, Mark Zuckerberg developed the popular social media, namely Facebook. The five friends are Andrew McCollum, Dustin Moskovitz, Eduardo Saverin, Chris Hughes, and himself. However, as time went by and Facebook developed, Mark Zuckerberg became more popular because he held the position of CEO.

The inventor of Facebook was born in an area called Westchester Country , New York, in the United States. He was a child who grew up in a well-off family named Edward Zuckerberg, who was a dentist, and his mother, Karen Kempner, who was a psychiatrist. Since childhood, he has had a passion for tinkering with computers and the various software he owns.

Mark Zuckerberg’s Hobbies and His Work During High School

His passion for computers was supported by his parents. At a young age, he even tried several times to create a program or software on the computer he owned. His father had given him this computer device since he was 8 years old. During high school, Zuckerberg and his friends managed to create a plug-in for the Winamp MP3 player.

The inventor of Facebook succeeded in creating a plug-in or a computer program that can facilitate interaction and integration with a host application from a web or email for a specific purpose. He created this plug-in with the aim of allowing people to create playlists of songs that suit their tastes, because previously they had to record and sort songs manually.

He and his friends sent the program to various companies, even Microsoft. Until the end of his high school years, he was successfully recruited by two large companies for a project. They finally made it to college to study and separated because Mark Zuckerberg went to Harvard and his friend went to Caltech.

History of Facebook Development

The inventor of Facebook had a very good idea to include a directory book that students could access online . However, when he proposed his idea to the campus, it was rejected outright because the reasons were deemed unimportant. However, Zuckerberg still had a strong desire and finally created a project called CourseMatch to communicate on the web.

Then he took steps to realize his idea about Facebook and succeeded in creating the website in February 2004, which was an improvement on his previous project called Facemash which aimed to enable students at Harvard to gather on one online site . He knows that Facebook can bring people together quickly and easily.

The Rapid Development of Facebook

The inventor of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, together with his friends then promoted this project to his friends at Harvard which then expanded to various other campuses after several months. Then Facebook continued to grow after attracting the interest of an entrepreneur named Sean Parker to invest capital to develop Facebook.

As users increased, more and more investors wanted to invest in the application until finally a company and office was officially established with Mark Zuckerberg as CEO in the Palo Alto area, United States. Then Facebook’s development accelerated when investment came from Paypal founder Peter Thiel.

In history, the founder of Facebook has rejected several offers to buy Facebook, one of which was the offer for Facebook to be bought by Yahoo for a fantastic price of 1 billion dollars. Various other companies that also tried to persuade Mark to sell Facebook were Friendster, Microsoft, and various other companies.

Facebook is the Biggest Social Media in the World

With its various advantages and convenience, Facebook is the most widely used social networking media in the world. It is now known that active users who use Facebook every month can reach 1.3 billion.

In fact, Facebook now has several popular subsidiaries such as WhatsApp, Instagram and various other applications. Facebook also had 11,996 employees in 2015 and it is known that its revenue in 2014 was 12,446 billion dollars.

The inventor of Facebook has greatly contributed to the presence of an application that has many benefits for communicating between humans over long distances easily and quickly. Hopefully the background of the founder of Facebook and the history of Facebook’s development can inspire us all. Check out information related to inventors of various other useful things on the site.

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