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Who Invented Magnets? Check out the history of its development and uses

Who Invented Magnets? Check out the history of its development and uses

Who Invented Magnets? Check out the history of its development and uses – Magnets are objects that are often found in everything from children’s toys to complex modern equipment.

It turns out that magnets also have a long history, starting with the inventor of magnets who was a shepherd since 2000 years before Christ.

Until now, magnetism has had a very long history of development in human life.

The origin of the name magnet was when the shepherd was tending his livestock when he saw a large black stone that attracted his shepherd’s stick.

Because it was found in the Magnesia area, Greece, the shepherd named the magic stone magnes.

Since hundreds of years BC, many scientists have been interested in conducting research on magnetism.

Thales, who was a philosopher from ancient Greece, paid great attention to the properties that magnets can produce.

In 1600, an English scientist named Dr. William Gilbert began to carry out systematic scientific research on the phenomenon of magnetism.

Gilbert also concluded that the two poles on Earth are areas that have magnetic forces.

Servington Savery then produced the first magnetic compound in 1730. Ten years later the artificial magnet was marketed to scientific investigators.

A French scientist named Charles de Coulomb discovered a quantitative study of a magnetic phenomenon called the inverse square law of force.

Dimana kekuatan tarikan antara dua objek yang terkena magnet berbanding lurus dengan produk dari bidang masing-masing dan berbanding terbalik dengan kuadrat jarak di antara keduanya.

Hans Christian Oersted merupakan seorang ilmuwan yang meneliti hubungan listrik dan magnet. Dia menemukan ketika sebuah kawat dialiri arus listrik maka akan muncul sifat magnet.

Fenomena elektromagnetik juga diteliti oleh Michael Faraday yang menghasilkan sebuah kesimpulan tentang adanya garis gaya yang berada di sekitar magnet.

Beberapa ilmuwan yang juga meneliti tentang magnet antara lain Carl Friedrich Gauss,Pierre Curio, Langevin ,Weiss , K. Honda dan T. Takai serta beberapa ilmuwan lainnya hingga saat ini.

Pada tahun 1919, Magnet Baja yang digunakan untuk tujuan komersil telah tersedia di pasaran. Baja tersebut merupakan quench-hardened steel magnets.

Kegunaan dari magnet pun bertambah banyak mulai dari sebagai kompas penunjuk arah, bagian dari dinamo untuk mesin, alat pembelajaran, hingga menjadi bagian dari beberapa peralatan elektronik dan alat-alat berat lainnya.

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Demikianlah informasi mengenai sejarah mengenai penemu dan perkembangan magnet dari masa ke masa, semoga bermanfaat. ***

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