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When was the first cell phone invented and who created it

When was the first cell phone invented and who created it

When was the first cell phone invented and who created it – Jakarta -In today’s digital era, we comfortably enjoy mobile phones ( HP ), smartphones, and even sophisticated gadgets for our daily needs. But do detikers know when the cellphone was first discovered?

Quoting the official website of Old Dominion University, US, the telephone principle was first introduced by Alexander Graham Bell in 1874.

At that time, he experimented with Thomas Watson to make the first telephone connection.

Then in 1877, the first permanent outdoor telephone cable was installed. Commercial telephone services began in the United States.

Nearly twenty years later, in 1894, Oliver Lodge demonstrated wireless communication over a distance of 137 meters. This idea was the beginning of mobile phone technology as we know it.

The idea of ​​the telephone finally spread in 1915. The Bell System completed the US transcontinental telephone line. At this point, everyone in the US is connected to each other.

In 1946, the first commercial cell phone service was operational, connecting vehicles or moving objects to the telephone network via radio

Inventor of the First Cell Phone

Even though the concept of the telephone already existed, the mobile phone, in the form of a cellphone , was only discovered in 1983 by Martin Cooper.

An American engineer, he led a team in 1972-1973 to build the first cell phone and make the first cell phone call.

Later he was credited as the developer of the first mobile phone approved for commercial use. He is also considered the father of the cell phone.

At that time he was an engineer from Motorola, who developed the first mobile phone that could connect via AMPS Bell.

Motorola launched the DynaTAC in 1984. It weighed just over a kilogram and was known as The Brick, but quickly became a must-have accessory for wealthy financiers and entrepreneurs.

Development of HP from Time to Time

Over time, the concept of HP continues to develop. In 1997, Philips introduced an early attempt at a digital “smartphone” or smartphone.

The unit, called “The Synergy,” provides wireless access to email, internet, and fax.

From then until the Late 1990s, many cell phone companies tried to make their cell phone models lighter, faster, slimmer, cheaper. Mobile phones are also developing.

Starting from Research in Motion which introduced the Blackberry 850 in 1999 until Apple launched its first iPhone in 2007.

Apple integrates touchscreen displays with the best web browsing experience offered on mobile devices.

Years later until now, communication devices continue to develop with the advantages each brings. Starting from the superior appearance, camera features, to storage space.

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