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Flyboarding, from Water to Floating Freely in the Air!

Flyboarding, from Water to Floating Freely in the Air!

Flyboarding, from Water to Floating Freely in the Air! – As the name implies, Flyboarding is a jetpack-like flying board connected to a personal watercraft (PWC) to provide high-pressure propulsion. It is so strong that it can lift the Flyboard and your body soaring high in the air, Bro.

Flyboard has now become one of the extreme sports that many people are interested in. But you don’t need to be afraid to try it because there are instructors who will give directions on how to use this flyboard.

Usually, after 5 minutes in the water to adjust, you can lift the flyboard floating freely in the air. What’s even cooler is, if you’re good at controlling it, you can try various extreme tricks ala Hollywood movies, Bro!

History of Flyboarding

This magical device was created by Franky Zapata, first introduced in 2012. According to the Frenchman, flyboarding combines four elements of his favorite sports, namely snowboard, water skiing, jet ski and acrobatic dive. The following year, Makassar became the first city in Indonesia to successfully taste the sensation of this flyboarding game.

At that time, Andi Rahmat Ilhamsyah Mattalatta, a representative from the Motorboat and Water Ski Sports Association (POPSA), presented a very stunning spectacle when playing flyboarding.

How to Flyboard

The key to successfully controlling a flyboard is how to maintain your balance while on the board. The first thing you really have to master is learning to stand on the flyboard and maintain your balance by tilting the board back and forth continuously to keep your body from falling.

After successfully maintaining balance and floating a bit high in the air, you can try other challenging styles such as Front Dive, The Dolphin, Back Dive, or Back Flip.

Front Dive is a maneuver by occasionally diving into the water then turning 180 degrees, so that it can quickly shoot out of the water. While The Dolphin style, this Flyboard style will make you dive and come out of the water repeatedly like a dolphin in the open ocean.

There is also Back Dive, almost the same as Front Dive, but the difference is your hands are ready to be on top and jump upside down. It does look a bit difficult, but this trick really increases your adrenaline, Bro.

And the one that is quite difficult is the Backflip style. This style requires quite a height to try this trick, because the flyboarder is required to do a spin in the air without touching the water.

Unfortunately, because this sport is still very rare in Indonesia and uses super sophisticated equipment, you need to prepare a very decent budget to play flyboarding. But the satisfaction is guaranteed to be very memorable and make you want to do it again, Bro!

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